Rev. Ertell (U.L.C.)


The work of Calvary our Lord uttered was: ” It is finished”. These three words still echo down the corridors of time. Those who would embrace the cross with remorse for their sins will receive the forgiveness of sins and salvation will be imparted to their souls.

If only they claim their right to salvation by coming to Christ who paid the price for our sins. For the power and influence of sin is broken through the power of the cross. you don’t have to live and serve sin anymore if only you claim the finished work of the cross.

Salvation is not ritual acceptance of Christ. It must become an experience in your life. Obey the Gospel. Experience the water and the Spirit found in scripture in Acts 2:38.
Mankind is redeemed back to God through the power of the cross.

You no longer have to be a slave and influenced by sin.

Note: without Christ, there is no hope of Salvation. Jesus said I AM THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. NO MAN COMETH TO THE FATHER EXCEPT BY ME.
I want to leave this example scripture with you that emphasizes the above.

Paul and Silas were jailed for casting a demon out of a woman who was a divination and Paul through the power of the Holy Ghost expelled the demon from her. And in addition, the were beaten as well.

Acts 16: 22-30 please read.

  • V 25- at midnight they were praising the Lord.
  • V 26- A great earthquake happened. The foundation of the prison was shaken. All the cell doors were open and their shackles fell off.
  • V 27- The jailer awakens and seeing the doors open draws his sword to kill himself thinking the prisoners have all escaped.
  • V 28- Paul cries out don’t hurt yourself we are all here.
  • V 29 Jailer calls for a torch and runs in and comes trembling and falls down before Paul and Silas.
  • V 30 jailer brings them out and said SIRS, WHAT MUST I DO TO BE SAVED?

A dramatic event took place and all persons involved were shaken up by it and we see Luke recorded the jailer, Paul, and Silas to emphasize salvation through Christ.

Note: 1. A Great Earthquake 2. Prison foundation shaken. 3. prison doors open. 4. jailer calls for the light. 5. the big question. WHAT, I DO TO BE SAVED?

1. A great earthquake took place at Mount Calvary. shaking Jerusalem that the curtains of The Most Holy were torn into symbolizing that mankind and God can reach each other through the power of the cross through the sacrifice of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.
2. Prision foundation shaken: The power and influence of sin in your life came to an end through the power of the cross. If you come to Christ and obey the Gospel (Acts 2:38) you too came to be saved. Just like the jailer.
3. Prison doors open. Why Didn’t the prisoners leave the cell and escape? Their shackles fell off. Because they were unaware because of the darkness that the doors were open. Satan wants you to believe that there is no hope for you. So we continue in our sins unaware that there is hope through the power of the cross.
4. The jailer calls for the light. Without light to see they remain in their cells(in our sins). But thank God Light prevailed over darkness to see that I can become free through the power of the cross. The Light of the Gospel. Jesus said I am the Light of the World. you see the cross ended Satan’s power and influence so you don’t have to live like a devil. If you come to Christ and receive the benefits of the cross.

Now how does the finish work of the cross work?

A. Repent: Ask God to forgive you of all your wrongdoings. Be determined in your heart to give up sin in your life (A dying out process) Luke 13:5- I tell you, Nay, but, except ye repent, ye shall likewise perish.

B. And be baptized every one of you in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins: Acts 2:38. After you fully repented yer a dead man waiting to be buried. Baptism is a type of burial.
Romans 6:4- “Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.
Acts 22: 16- And now why tarriest thou? arise and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the lord.
When you are baptized in Jesus’ Name. your sins are covered with his blood, (power of the cross) never to be remembered by God again. Also, when you come up from the water we are to start living for God in a fresh new way of living.

C. Acts 2:38- ” And ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
After being baptized I encourage you to seek after the Holy Ghost as they did on the day of Pentecost. All 120 of them.
read Acts 2: 1-4. V- 4 reads: And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them the utterance”. You will speak in tongues as a sign that you received the Holy Ghost (Acts 10:46-“For they heard them speak with tongues”).

The power of the cross made all the difference in our lives. To receive salvation through Christ. What will you do?

Acts 26:28- “Then Agrippa said unto Paul, almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.”

1 Comment
  1. journeyman 5 months ago

    It certainly is finished Rev.Ertell (U.L.C.).
    After our King slew death what “enemy” is left? All that remains is for people in this world to believe in the Jewish Messiah who loves all people as His Father in Heaven loves all people and will return in a Light that exposed the secrets of our hearts.
    Happy days for many :)

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