Abe started the topic Your Bible vs the Quran in the forum International Christians 5 months ago
The Bible is composed of books written by 40 named authors on three continents – Asia, Africa, and a Europe – over a 1600 year timespan.There are many ancient manuscripts of the Bible in full or in part including Greek, Latin, Aramaic, and other ancient languages:Greek: The New Testament is preserved in over 5,800 complete or fragmented Greek manuscripts, dating from around 125 A.D. to the 15th century. The oldest text of the entire Bible is the Codex Sinaiticus, which dates from the 4th century A.D. Origen, an early church father, compiled a list of books in the New Testament by 250 A.D. Other important Greek manuscripts include Vaticanus, which is considered the best manuscript of the complete Greek Bible, and Alexandrinus, which is well-preserved.Latin: There are 10,000 Latin manuscripts of the Bible.Other ancient languages: There are 9,300 manuscripts in other ancient languages, including Syriac, Slavic, Gothic, Ethiopic, Coptic, Nubian, and Armenian. The Leningrad Codex, written in Cairo in 1008 A.D. is the oldest complete manuscript of the Hebrew Bible in Hebrew.And these various and diverse texts, manuscripts, etc. are consistent and overwhelmingly contextually in agreement and the same (between 97% – 99%).The accuracy of the historical events and locations referenced in the Bible are also consistently verified with more and archaeological evidence being discovered that validates the Bible in that context.The Qur’an, however, contains numerous scientific and historical errors and contradictions.And which of the many versions of the Qur’an is the “correct” one? Thats right, there are more then one original in Arabic. And are the pre-Uthman versions better than the post-Uthman versions? As Mohammed was illiterate, (according to the Quran) and was not able to directly write down the words that “God” (LOL!) revealed to him, he had scribes who would listen to his recitation of the sacred verses, and copy them down into their own compendiums, which were different by varying degrees. This goofy system came with its own set of unique challenges.Muhammad also “abrogated” (changed) and “edited” passages, which would contradict his claim that he received the revelations from “God” through the (supposed) angel Gabriel directly. If those words were indeed divinely revealed to him, (also timeless, eternal, unchanged, and for all cultures, but not all languages, only Arabic…) so why would he change or edit them if they are perfectly preserved?The earlier versions of the Qur’an were so different and varied that Uthman burned all the Qur’ans he could and there were many different manuscripts contained many discrepancies, and then he came up with his “acceptable” version.Muhammad was a self-proclaimed “prophet” who elevated the pagan Moon-god Allâh to Godhood status and then claimed (with no witnesses) that a supernatural being gave him the words to a new “holy” book, which included stories from the Bible (which he twisted and perverted), folk tales, pagan religions, etc., with which he founded a new religion as the self-proclaimed “last messenger” and then claimed that this new “religion” of his was the only “religion acceptable” (surprise, surprise) to the Moon-god that he now deemed “the one true God”. But he couldn’t prophesy, or demonstrate that God indorced his message in any respectable way. Muhammad didn’t pass any of the tests for being a prophet, not even the easiest one of knowing Gods name.CONTRADICTIONS and ERRORS in the QUR’AN1. How long is one day according to Allah?a. 1 day is equivalent to 1000 years (22:47)b. 1 day is equivalent to 50,000 years (70:4)2. How long did Allah take to create the earth?a. 6 days (7:45, 10:3, 11:7, 25:59)b. 8 days (41:9-12)c. 2 days (41:9-12)3. Is heaven older or the earth older? Which was created first?a. Earth was created first (2:29, 41:9)b. Heaven was created first (79:27-30)4. From what substance were humans made from?a. A blood clot (96:1-2)b. Water (21:30)c. Burned clay (15:26)d. Dust (3:59)e. Nothing (19:67)f. Earth (11:61)g. A drop of thick fluid ( 16:4, 75:37)h. Sticky clay (37:11)5. Is Shirk (idolatry) an unforgivable sin?a. Unforgivable (4:48, 4:116)b. Forgivable (4:153, 25:68-71)6. What is the punishment for adultery?a. 100 lashes for both the man & woman (24:2)b. Life imprisonment for the woman but no punishment to the man (4:15)c. Grant pardon (4:16)d. Stoning to death (Bukhari 8:816)7. Did Noah’s son drown?a. All of Noah’s family survived ( 21:76)b. Noah’s son drowned , 11:43)8. Did Pharoah drown or was he saved?a. Pharaoh survived the battle (10:92)b. Pharaoh drowned (28:40, 17:103, 43:55)9. Do Christians go to Heaven or Hell?a. Christians shall enter paradise (2:62. 5:69)b. Christians shall go to hell (5:72, 3:85)10. Will God reward the good deeds of the non believers?a. No (9:17)b. Yes (99:7)11. Did the Arabs (Meccans) receive any prophets (warnings) before Mohammed?a. No (28:46)b. Yes (2:125)12. What is the food in hell?a. Thorns/Dhari (88:6)b. Ones own pus (88:6)c. Special hell fruit/ Zaqqum (37:66)13. Are Allah’s decrees changed or not?a. No (6:34)b. No (6:115)c. Yes (2:106)d. Yes (16:101)14. For whom is salvation for?a. For all pious theists (5:69)b. For Muslims only (3:85)15. What should Muslims do with unbelievers in the end of days?a. Nothing; live and let live (45:14)b. Fight them (9:29)16. Who will be the judge of humans?a. Mohammad (5:109)b. God (2:143)17. What is the source of grace?a. God (57:29)b. Mohammad (9:74)18. Who is the only one who can forgive sins?a. Allah (3:135)b. Allah together with Mohammad (4:64, 33:36)19. Can God share power and sovereigntya. No (17:111)b. Yes (3:26)20. Does Satan mislead Muslims?a. Yes (7:16)b. No (38:82)21. Who was the first Muslim?a. Mohamad (39:12, 6:14, 6:163)b. Moses (7:143)c. Abraham (2:132)d. Adam (2:37, 3:33)e. Some Egyptians (26:51)f. Jesus and his disciples (3:52, 5:111)22. How was Isa created?a. When Allah said, “Be.” (3:47)b. When Allah blew into Mariam’s private part (66:12)23. How many surahs does Allah require to prove that the Quran is not forged?a. One (10:38)b. Ten (11:13)24: Can Allah have a son if he wanted to?a. No. (6:101)b. Yes (39:4)25. Is it possible to have a son without a consort?a. No (6:101)b. Yes (19:20-21)26. Can one bow before anyone but allah?a. Only Allah (22:18)b. To Adam (2:34)c. To kaabah27. Does Allah forget or not?a. Allah never forgets (19:64, 20:52)b. Allah forgets (7:51, 9:67, 32;14, 45:34)28. Is there or is there not compulsion in Islam according to the Quran?a. No (2:256)b. No (9:3)c. Yes (9:5)d. Yes (9:29)And there are more, but I hope you see the overwhelming evidence and becomeenlightened to the fact that these come from a fraudulent, man-made book and religion.