NewLifeInJesus posted an update 8 months, 3 weeks ago
Matt. 12: 43-45 when an unclean spirit comes out of a person, it travels through dry country seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says to itself, ‘ I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives. it finds the house standing empty, swept clean, and put in order. Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they come and live there- so that in the end, the person is worse off than he was before.
As we see in the above verses once a person has been cleansed of an unclean spirit it leaves and looks for a place to rest, but it can find no place to do so. At that point it decides to come back where it was cleansed from. My question is how will those things we have been cleansed from find our house? I pray that my and your house have 2 words in big bright shining letters for the enemy to see and those words are
NO VACANCY! Sorry no room for you here satan and demons because Jesus resides in my house and has taken permanent residence! When I say this i mean there is no vacancy in my heart, mind or in my house where i live for the enemy because Jesus resides in all the mentioned and will be staying permanently as Lord and Savior!
It’s wonderful to clean your house and put it in order, but NEVER LEAVE YOUR HOUSE EMPTY! Make sure that you know Jesus and that He has permanent residence in your life, and in your heart and in your house where you and your family live. let the words NO VACANCY be loud and clear to satan and his demons. At the name of Jesus satan and his demons must flee, so lets send them all packing by saying ” In the name of Jesus there is NO VACANCY here you must go!”
Choose this day whom you will serve, as for me and my house we will serve The Lord! There is No Vacancy here… Jesus is Lord of my life and my home and has permanent residence here therefore satan and all his demons are not welcome and can turn around and go back to hell where they belong!
I think of them going out into “dry” country. Think of dessert type land, no cool refreshing water to quench your thirst and nothing to feed upon.
Why go back? Because there was chaos to quench the thirst for excitement and there was sin to feed upon!
Getting our lives (house) all nice and clean and in order is not the goal as shown here, going to church every Sunday and warming a pew for an hour is not the goal, stopping smoking and drinking is not the goal, no longer cursing is not the goal, these are all wonderful things, and can be signs that Holy Spirit is alive and well inside of you, but the ultimate goal is that Holy Spirit dwells within you and there is NO VACANCY for evil, evil thoughts, entertainment of sin, etc…
Love it!